Showing posts with label Google Sketchup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google Sketchup. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Proposed Changes to the Front Elevation of our Atomic Ranch

I like to tinker. I like to build stuff. I've been doing some pretty major renovations to the ranch.

Minot atomic ranch renderWell, in cyberspace anyway. I saw the utility in Google Sketchup very early on as an easy to use solid modelling program for design, layout, prototyping, material estimation, and to get an idea about how a finished project will look before you even start buying the materials. It's a pretty easy to use piece of software, there are tons of help documents online, there are many pre-made models that other users have constructed and shared on 3dwarehouse, and the consumer version is free. All you need to do is to start using it, and stick with it. You'll be making stuff in no time. So I've been letting my imagination go - after all, it doesn't cost anything but time at this point - money for sure... later.